Zombies Plus Workshop
Zombies Plus Workshop
Wayne Truman
Image not available
Vital statistics
Age 39
Gender Male
Creator GreenArkham
Creation Date 1/5/2013 (U.K)

5/1/2013 (U.S.A)

First Appearance Breakout Zone
Status Alive

Wayne Truman is a playable character in the World War Z storyline. He first appears in Breakout Zone.


Seargent Wayne Truman is an African-American soldier in Captain Winslow's squad. He is very stern and solitary, prefering quiet sniping spots to open fighting. He seems to hate his fellow survivor Jason Silvers who is a loud hot head (which Truman despises).


Truman is an African-American soldier with a shaved head and bright blue eyes. He wears a standard U.S Army uniform (which is oddly clean, despite all the zombies he has killed).


  • Truman prefers to use Sniper Rifles, to other types of guns
  • Truman hates rock music, zombies, George Bush, prostitutes, Teenagers and  (most of all) Jason Silvers
    • This gives Truman the image of a stereotypical 'old person'. This is odd as Truman is only 39
  • Truman is allergic to strawberries and lobster