Zombies Plus Workshop
Zombies Plus Workshop


Magma-Man: "We fight for the survival of our fellow Wikians!"
EternalBlaze: "We fight to consume all who oppose us!"
Daniel Smith: "I fight for total control!"
Cyber-Ghost: "I fight for total annihilation!"


Footage is shown of players fighting in an environment filled with tall buildings with a tron-like aesthetic. Two Wikian players are shown:
Runner: Equipped with an SMG, unlimited sprint, and can run up walls.
Admin: Equipped with spartan Armor, has shielding and is armed with a DMR.

The camera then moves to show two brony players.
The Classic: The original brony, visually little different from a pony from the show, has fast and high jumps and powerful melee.
Wall Walker: One of the mutation variety, greyed skin, skinny, four extra spider-like legs sprouted out of the back, it uses these legs to latch onto walls and move around acting a bit like a very mobile turret, spitting acid as a ranged attack, and vomiting buckets of it onto anyone unlucky enough to get close.

The camera then moves to show two players following Daniel Smith.
Disabler: A flying drone that looks similar to the Combine's watchers from Half-Life 2, flies around and gets close to an enemy player, then disabling the player from attacking for a short time.
Terrorantula: Giant spider, capable of climbing on walls, and poisoning other players with it's bites.

The camera then moves to show two players following Cyber-Ghost.
Rage Face: Stick figures with the rage face. Armed with light machine guns, they can deal alot of damage but have low health and their large heads make them easy to kill, but they blow up when they die.
Y U NO DIE!?: The Y U NO guy, armed with dual-wielded rocket launchers and a helmet.

Plus, power classes.

The camera then proceeds to show
Wikian power-class: Project Protection Mech Trooper: These are inside a mechanical suit of similar proportions to the Hulk Buster suits in Marvel comics, slow moving but have alot of health, shielding, and are armed with a minigun in one hand and a rocket launcher in the other.
Daniel Smith power-class: Panzer Soldat: Straight out of origins, armed with their grappling claw and flamethrower.

More classes to be revealed upon the blogs release! More explosions and fun times are shown, then:

Call of Wikia 3 Logo
Releasing October 5th, exclusively on the Nazi Zombies Plus Wiki!

Official Soundtrack[]

Soundtrack cover

Just wanted to share my cover design. I'd give away the soundtrack (I'll have a personalized version, properly named, track numbered, and tagged with this image) but it's not my music to give away. There will be a Youtube playlist available after the gameblog's launch to listen to all the music that will be used in the blog!
