Zombies Plus Workshop
Zombies Plus Workshop
Mathew 'Matty' Winslow
Image not available
Vital statistics
Age 31
Gender Male
Creator GreenArkham
Creation Date 1/5/2013 (U.K)

5/1/2013 (U.S.A)

First Appearance Breakout Zone
Status Alive

Mathew Winslow is a playable character in the World War Z storyline. He first appears in Breakout Zone.


Captain Mathew 'Matty' Winslow is a caucasian U.S soldier and was the leader of the military squad sent into New York City before they were all killed by zombies (Except for Winslow and 3 others). Winslow is determined to wipe out as many zombies as he can before his "inevitable death".


Winslow has dark brown hair and green eyes. He also has scar underneath his left eye. Winslow wears a standard U.S Army uniform, with a captain insiginia on his arm. He wears 2 sets of dog tags, one belongs to him, the other belonged to his friend Ricky, who was killed by zombie right in front of his eyes.


  • Winslow prefers to use LMG's to other guns
  • Winslow hates the constant arguing between Truman and Silvers
  • Winslow (probably) hates zombies more than anyone else in the zombie series
  • Winslow also hates fish (proven by quotes)